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Evening Glow in Como was selected to be presented at the famous Salon des Artistes Francais 2021
A FABULOUS HISTORY In 1667 according to the wishes of Louis XIV, the Royal Academy organized an exhibition of its members at the Louvre. The Société des Artistes Français, direct heir to this Salon created by Colbert for the King, has gone through all eras: royalty, empires, revolutions, wars, dragging in its wake the greatest names of artists who have marked these last centuries: Delacroix, Ingres, Manet, Rodin, Claudel, Bartholdi, Dufy, Picabia among others, were our members. In 1881, it took its current name of Société des Artistes Français . The State delegates to it the care of organizing an annual exhibition of Fine Arts and the charge of administering itself. In 1883, a decree published in the official journal declared it "of Public Utility" Glass roof of the Grand Palais, H. Deglane, associate architectSince 1901, every year, with the exception of a few interruptions due to wars or construction, the Salon has taken place in Paris at the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées. Today, the Société des Artistes Français has several hundred members, to which several hundred exhibitors are added every year at the time of the show. www.artistes-francais.com/fichiers/file/salon2021/catalogues/peinture.pdf |
Article published October 4, 2014 in Life as a Human: The Human Interest Magazine for Evolving Minds
SNAPd magazine, North Toronto NTGA Spring Art Tour, 2015- https://northtoronto.snapd.com/event/825053#/
Sept, 2015 - Recipient of the Certificate of Excellence from the Artavita Contest